Edward Tufteの著書Visual Display Quantitative Informationで説明されている可視化グラフを作図するのに便利なグラフ・ライブラリです。 SigamPlotのテンプレートです。 また、Bell Centennial フォント(TTF) 4種類が付属しています。
○説明 Special library of 40 graph templates designed by Dr. Edward Tufte to accompany his book, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, a copy of which is included with the software. Also includes Data Meter, a utility that installs into a SigmaPlot menu and helps gauge effectiveness of data display the Bell Centennial font family, recommended by Tufte for axis labels and legends.
[Notices] The Visual Display Graph Library allows you to create graphs designed by Edward Tufte, author of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Using an online guide, you can apply complex graph templates to your existing data. To use the graph library, start the graph library guide and view the graph you want to create... Enter your data into a SigmaPlot worksheet according to the directions for the graph... Then apply the template directly from the online guide. Modify the axis ranges to fit your own data ranges, and you"re done! The graph library also contains a unique Data Density Meter designed by Edward Tufte that lets you evaluate the data richness of your graphs. RESTART WINDOWS when the installation is finished to activate the Bell Centennial fonts included with the graph library.
なお、Edward Tufteの著書 Visual Display Quantitative Information と Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrativeも出品していましたが、売れてしまいました。これらの本はAmazonで購入できます。
Edward Tufteの著書Visual Display Quantitative Informationで説明されている可視化グラフを作図するのに便利なグラフ・ライブラリです。
また、Bell Centennial フォント(TTF) 4種類が付属しています。
Special library of 40 graph templates designed by Dr. Edward Tufte to accompany his book, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, a copy of which is included with the software.
Also includes
Data Meter, a utility that installs into a SigmaPlot menu and helps gauge effectiveness of data display
the Bell Centennial font family, recommended by Tufte for axis labels and legends.
The Visual Display Graph Library allows you to create graphs designed by Edward Tufte, author of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
Using an online guide, you can apply complex graph templates to your existing data.
To use the graph library, start the graph library guide and view the graph you want to create...
Enter your data into a SigmaPlot worksheet according to the directions for the graph...
Then apply the template directly from the online guide. Modify the axis ranges to fit your own data ranges, and you"re done!
The graph library also contains a unique Data Density Meter designed by Edward Tufte that lets you evaluate the data richness of your graphs.
RESTART WINDOWS when the installation is finished to activate the Bell Centennial fonts included with the graph library.
FD シリアル番号付き 1枚
小冊子(インストールガイド、グラフ説明)(16p) 1冊
出版社:Jandel Scientific Software
出版日:1997/07/10 版:V1.0
対応ソフト:SigmaPlot ver.3 for Win3.1, Win95, WinNT
なお、Edward Tufteの著書 Visual Display Quantitative Information と Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrativeも出品していましたが、売れてしまいました。これらの本はAmazonで購入できます。
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